Postmaster General, Belize Postal Services (501) 223-7381

Marsha Price’s aim is to create a culture of excellence. Her plan is to transform the Belize Postal Service through technological advancements, rebuilding trust, and improvement of our services. With over 130 employees, we plan to support their needs with training and capacity building in order to provide our valued customers with the best end-to-end experience.
Mrs. Price is a doctoral student, currently pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Business Administration. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and is a Certified Accounting Technician (CAT, ACCA). She is currently a member of the Belize National Civil Aviation Security Committee and has over 19 years of financial and accounting experience in the Telecom Industry.
She is also an adjunct lecturer at the University of Belize within the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences and has experience in business and financial consultations with small enterprises.